Make existing oil and gas wells safer and prohibit new wells within 3,200 feet of communities

SB 1137: Your Voice, Your Vote – Keep Our Neighborhoods Safe

California is one of the top oil producing states in the U.S., and approximately 1.1 million Californians live within 3,200-feet (1 km) of operational oil or gas wells. Drilling and operating wells pollutes air and water, resulting in poorer health for people who live nearby. Epidemiological studies have found that living near oil and gas wells is linked to higher risks of heart attacks, impaired lung function, and childhood leukemia. After reviewing the body of public health studies on oil and gas development, a panel of public health experts concluded with a high level of certainty that living near wells leads to higher risk of preterm birth or impaired fetal growth. 

To address these urgent public health concerns, in September 2022 Governor Newsom signed SB 1137 into law, creating an evidence-based 3,200 foot buffer zone or “setback” between new drilling and sensitive receptors including residences, schools, childcare centers, hospitals, nursing homes, and playgrounds.   

Despite the body of evidence showing that drilling and operating wells in residential areas is a public health threat, fossil fuel companies have supported a referendum seeking to overturn SB 1137. After spending more than $20 million on a petition drive, the setback implementation was halted, and SB 1137 qualified to appear before voters on the 2024 ballot.   

In November 2024, voters will have the opportunity to vote to keep or repeal SB 1137. A vote to keep SB 1137 would result in measurable improvements in environmental quality and public health, including in some of the states’ most polluted neighborhoods. A vote to repeal would allow the fossil fuel industry to continue to operate hazardous oil and gas facilities next to homes, schools, and hospitals.   

  • Under construction! More information coming soon.

  • Under construction! More information coming soon.

Take Action!

You have the unique opportunity to use your voice and your vote to stand up to fossil fuel companies and help protect the health and safety of Californians statewide. 

Click here to join the coalition and support the campaign for a Safe and Healthy California. Endorsing the campaign is one of the top actions you can take at this stage in the campaign.  

  • Ballot language can be confusing. In November 2024, you can vote to “keep the law” or “overturn the law” thanks to AB 421, authored by Assemblymember Isaac Bryan.

    A vote to “keep the law” is to uphold the contested legislation, SB 1137, which would prohibit new oil and gas wells within 3,200ft of sensitive receptors and require companies to adopt health, safety, and environmental requirements.

    A vote to “overturn the law” is to repeal the contested legislation, SB 1137, thus keeping the law from taking effect and allowing fossil fuel companies to drill within health protection zones.


Join the California Alliance of Academics and Communities for Public Health Equity and vote to keep the law! 


Alliance Partners in this work


Beyond the Referendum – learn more about fighting oil and gas expansion in CA here. (coming soon!)